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CSCE 5550 - Introduction to Computer Security - Fall 2024

Class hours
Lectures: Tuesdays and Thursdays, 2:30-3:50pm, NTDP B.185
Instructor: Kirill Morozov (Department of Computer Science and Engineering)
Office hours*: Tuesdays and Thursdays 4:00-5:00pm in NTDP F.283
In-person and online appointments at other timeslots are possible upon request.
E-mail: Kirill [dot] Morozov [at]

Teaching assistant: TBA
Office hours*: TBA
E-mail: TBA

The labs will use virtual machines. You will need VirtualBox ( to run them.

Course Description

The aim of this course is to introduce the concepts and principles of computer security and privacy. It covers both theoretical and practical aspects of computer security, including security models and assurance, OS and network security, common security threats and countermeasures against them, cryptography, risk analysis and data privacy.

Course webpage

All lectures, assignments, and other materials will be posted in Canvas.
Submissions must be made via Canvas as well.

Note: In all communications with instructors and TAs, the subject of your e-mails must start with "CSCE 5550".

Reference books:

  • [Recommended] C.P. Pfleeger, S.L. Pfleeger, and J.Margulies, "Security in Computing", 5th Edition, Prentice Hall, 2015.
  • [Recommended] M. Bishop, "Computer Security: Art and Science", 2nd Edition, Addison-Wesley, 2019.
  • [Supplementary] W. Stallings and L. Brown, “Computer Security: Principles and Practice”, 4th Edition, Pearson, 2018.

Course schedule*

  • Week 1 (Aug 20 and 22): Course introduction. Threat modeling.

  • Week 2 (Aug 27 and 29): Fundamentals of secure systems. Network basics.

  • Week 3 (Sep 3 and 5): Network security.

  • Week 4 (Sep 10 and 12): Routing security. Firewalls. IDS.

  • Week 5 (Sep 17 and 19): VPN. Access control. Unix OS security.

  • Week 6 (Sep 24 and 26): Windows OS security. Control hijacking attacks.

  • Week 7 (Oct 1 and 3): Cryptography and its applications to network security.

  • Week 8 (Oct 8): Review lecture.
    (Oct 10): Midterm Exam.

  • Week 9 (Oct 15 and 17): Malware.

  • Week 10 (Oct 22 and 24): Malware (cont). Multivelel security models.

  • Week 11 (Oct 29 and 31): Web security.

  • Week 12 (Nov 5 and 7): Database security.

  • Week 13 (Nov 12 and 14): User identification. Wireless security. Application security.

  • Week 14 (Nov 19 and 21): Data privacy and anonymization. IT security management.

  • Thanksgiving Break (Nov 26 and 28): No class.

  • Week 15 (Dec 3): Legal aspects and ethics.
    (Dec 5): Review lecture.

  • Dec 10 (Tue), 1:30-3:30pm: Final Exam


  • Homeworks – 15%
  • Labs – 25%
  • Programming project – 15%
  • Mid-term exam – 20%
  • Final exam – 25%

Course Policies

  • Grading: Assignments may be submitted up to 3 days late, with a penalty of 15% for each day.
    No credit will be given after 3 days.
  • Academic Integrity: Cheating in exams/assignments, plagiarism in exams/assignments, collusion and falsification of academic records constitute academic dishonesty. Students are responsible for being familiar with UNT’s Students Academic Integrity Policy: Cheating/collusion/plagiarism in assignments/exams will result
    in zero credit for them, possible “F” grade for the course, and possible disciplinary action.
  • Students with Disabilities: Students in need of academic accommodations for disability can refer
    to the Office of Disability Access for initiating the required arrangements based on ADA terms.
    Also, such the students are welcome to arrange an appointment with me to discuss their special needs
    for academic accommodation (to ensure confidentiality).

* Subject to possible changes.

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Last modification: August 16, 2024